Now, if you are a beginner trainee and haven’t studied the human anatomy all that much, there might be no difference for you. However, when you understand it, there is actually a significant difference.
Category: Core Work

6 Things to Know Before Getting Six-Pack Abs
A lot has been said, discussed, and even prophesied about getting that six-pack abs, but nothing seems to be written in stone. What approach to adopt? What types of exercises and food items to incorporate into your training plan? Or, just where to start? We at Mean Muscles understand your doubts and are here to…

Top 8 Tips to Get 6-Pack Abs
There are tens of hundreds of guides published online that talk about different ways in which you can get 6-pack abs in a shorter span of time. But hardly any of them list out actionable items; they just stick to the generality. Just knowing that one should “avoid unhealthy fats” is a useless tip when …

Core Exercise For Bodybuilding: Why Are They Important?
Anyone who has ever tried working out or done bodybuilding must have heard about core exercise. They have a basic idea of what they mean, but are not quite sure about their importance. Or better, their importance in bodybuilding and

Fast Abs Workouts For Beginners
Getting rid of belly fat is one of the biggest challenges for men and women. This is because we see pictures and read stories of successful people who have glowing six packs. And yet no matter how hard some people do the abs workouts, they

How To Get Six Pack Abs
Getting six pack abs is perhaps the ultimate dream of every man. This is mainly because women consider great abs as the ultimate symbol of sexiness in a man and having six pack abs also highlights the fact that you are a healthy individual

ISO Tension – Boost Your Muscle Definition The Easier Way
Do you feel like you have reached a plateau with your bodybuilding regimen? Are you not able to increase your gains despite incorporating some of the more advanced techniques like the stomach vacuum?…

Stomach Vacuum Exercise: What Is It And Does It Really Work?
You have done everything you can to carve your midsection – crunches, torso twists, and leg raises – but it’s just not working out. You have started core exercises to go with your abs workout routine but that flab seems stubborn as a mule. So,

What To Know About Water Retention In Bodybuilding
As someone who has taken keen interest in bodybuilding and fitness, you probably have heard of the term water retention before. You may also have a faint idea as to what it means and how that may be coming between you and your dream body. But, before jumping to conclusions, it is a good idea…