7 Actionable Tips to Build Strength Naturally

A lot of times you hear about fitness strategies that claim to help you build strength naturally. But, the problem with these strategies is that they are incremental in nature and often depend on several other factors to be effective.

For example, suppose you want to build core strength while also losing some belly fat on the way. They will give you a list of exercises to do, foods to eat and foods to avoid, and tell you to do it for three months. You end up lacking motivation in the second week because you don’t see any change whatsoever.

But what if we told you that there are ways in which you can build muscle strength without losing patience? What if we gave you a few solid, actionable tips that will put your faith back in the concept of fitness? You would rejoice, we know it.

And here they are. Best ways to build strength naturally as compiled by our fitness experts.

7 Tips to Build Strength Naturally

Tips here are listed in random order. Choose at least three of your choice and add them to your daily routine to increase stamina and strength naturally.

Add Sprints to Your Workout

Building muscle strength is not only about working on the bench. We recommend adding short bursts of sprints into your workout sessions to increase the hormone level in your muscles. Studies have found a direct linkage between increasing levels of hormones with strength growth.

In case you are wondering what heavy exercises to do along with these sprints, check out Kyle Leon’s Muscle Maximizer program for some awesome tips. It is also a great guide for a nutritional diet.

Walk after Every Meal

A lot of people tend to rest or take a power nap after they have a meal. This is not at all recommended if you are looking to build natural strength.

Taking a slow stroll after a meal limits the production of toxins in your body and also aids in digestion. It is a great way to help your muscles relax and develop, among other things.

Walking for at least 10 minutes after a meal is a sure-shot way to prevent toxins from getting in your way to build strength naturally.

Perform Sit-ups/Push-ups

If you are a beginner and if you plan to do only one exercise initially, perform sit-ups (or push-ups). It is probably the best exercise you can do to increase muscle strength at home. It works the muscles around your abdomen while preparing your body for more, heavier exercises.

Make Eating a Habit

We recommend going for three meals a day rather than five to six with a few hours apart from each other. We have already talked about the secret of eating healthy if you want some direction.

The key is to stick to your schedule and never cheat. Because any change in food intake can put your body off track.

Do Yoga

Your style of breathing has a direct impact on how much energy you can spend. The better you are able to fill your lungs’ air sacs the better you can exude energy.

Yoga has been historically known to improve the functioning of your lungs, which in turn can help you increase physical strength and stamina.

Doing yoga for as less as 15 minutes a day can have a tremendous impact on your mind and body.

Learn and Do Swimming

When we talk about natural muscle growth, we want to flex our body through all possible, different ways. While sprinting and deadlifting are definitely higher on the list, you should also add swimming to the mix for better body flexibility.

Swimming is one of those activities that has zero disadvantages. And at the end of it, you not only have better stamina and lung capacity but also a streamlined body that will make heads turn.

Avoid Repeated Cool-offs

Thinking of taking the elevator at work because you worked out so hard in the morning? Nope.

Other than the cool-off exercises that you do immediately after your workout session and sleep/nap time, avoid slacking off during the day to keep your body alert. A higher activity level throughout the day will result in a leaner and stronger body.


These are the top seven actionable tips that we at Mean Muscles live by when it comes to building strength and stamina naturally. While a lot of other factors like what food you eat and what exercises you do also matter, taking a tip or three from this list will surely put you on the right track.

After all, you cannot build strength naturally by just staring at the mirror and hoping for the body to take action by itself. So, go out there and get busy.

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