For this bicep workout, we will present to you a specific set of exercises, designed to help you grow MASSIVE, thick biceps. The workout revolves around free-weight exercises, that will engage not only the biceps, but also its surrounding pulling muscle groups- The Brachialis and forearms. read more
Year: 2018

Split Bicep Workout
In this article, we are going to give you a well assembled set of exercises, that will help you develop a full, thick and peaky biceps. The workout revolves around intense exercises, under different angles, which allows you to target all zones of the working musculature. read more

Beginner Triceps Workout
For this triceps workout, we will give you a well-structured set of exercises, that will help you develop your triceps in terms of mass and strength. And while this workout doesn’t include intense training principles and methods, it is suited for beginner and intermediate athletes, who are looking for a nice variety of exercises, done under different angles. read more

Peaky Bicep Workout
For this bicep workout, we will give you a nice set of exercises, that focuses on developing the so-desired, peaky bicep. Developing a bicep peak of course, depends on some individual factors like genetic muscle attachments- How your biceps attaches. The shorter your bicep is, the more prominent your peak will be. read more

Massive Triceps Workout
For males that do not have outstanding genetics, arm size is one of the biggest problems. Usually, when a trainee notices that their arms start lacking, compared to the other muscle groups, their next ‘logical’ step is to start training their biceps more. read more

Upper Chest Blaster
In this workout, we are going to give you a well-structured chest workout, that starts off with a body-weight exercise as a warm-up, and then move on to heavier and more complex, compound movements. read more

Lower Chest Blaster
The workout starts from the classic, lower chest exercise- Parallel bar dips. Then, we transition to compound barbell movements that target the lower and middle chest. Towards the end, we do an incline dumbbell press and finish off with a light, stretching exercise. read more

Reverse Grip Chest Workout
The reverse grip bench press is a compound movement that really engages the chest, shoulders and triceps. The exercise is of greater difficulty, compared to the normal style of doing barbell pushing movements with an overhand grip. read more

Shredding Phase Chest Workout
In this workout, we will give you the perfect combination of exercises, sets and repetitions, that express workout parameters, suitable for the shredding phase, when your goals are losing fat and defining the musculature. read more

Uni-Lateral Focused Glute Workout
For this workout, we will show you a sequence of glute-focused exercises, that begin with basic, bodyweight exercises and move on to focus on heavier, uni-lateral movements. The uni-lateral movements are usually movements done separately on each limb. read more