Generally, during exercising activities, the body uses 3 main energy systems to fulfill the energetic demand and grant energy for continuous activity. The 3 main energy systems, that the body uses to fulfill the demands of our physical activities, are- Anaerobic-Alactic, Anaerobic-Lactic and Aerobic. read more
Author: The MeanMuscles Team

Chiseled Abs Workout
The workout strictly prioritizes the development of the rectus abdominis, also known as the six-pack, as the set of exercises consists of ONLY crunching movements. And that is the exact movement during which the six-pack is most activated. read more

Shredding Core Workout
The workout doesn’t prioritize a specific muscle group in the core, but rather aims for overall development. That is why we have crunches, raises, stability and static movements. read more

Kettlebell Exercises for Muscle Mass!
This workout targets the entire body. We have shoulder exercises, chest exercises, back exercises, as well as lower body exercises. All of them just by using a kettlebell! read more

Full Body Kettlebell Workout
For this article, we have prepared for you a full-body kettlebell workout, that will give a good run for the entire musculature. What that will do is simply engage different zones of the musculature in different ways and under different angles. read more

Energy Systems - Anaerobic & Aerobic Processes
For this specific article of our educational series, we will talk about how the body provides energy for physical activities of different kinds. read more

Six-Pack Abs Workout
In this workout guide, we have prepared for you an exercise, that will surely help you achieve a defined abdominal area, and maybe, if your nutrition is on point, a solid diced mid-section. read more

Oblique Focus Core Workout
This featured article presents a core workout that is entirely super focused on the obliques muscle group. Workout starts off warming up the abdominal area in the beginning. and in the latter stages would primarily engage the obliques muscle groups. read more

Core Strength Workout
This workout, designed for intermediate and advanced athletes, is built out of a variety of exercises that help strengthen up the core, which is essentially what keeps us balanced during most exercises. read more

Ab Strengthening Workout
This workout primarily focuses on building strength in the abdominal area, with the included weighted exercises. Other benefits that this workout provides are core stability and overall abdominal development. read more