In this workout guide, ladies, we will present to you a couple of workout regimens for the upper and lower body, which will help you carve that perfect butt and flat stomach you’ve been craving for so badly. read more
Author: The MeanMuscles Team

Upper Body Fat Burning Outdoor Workout
If you are looking to build big, bodybuilder-like muscles, then lifting weights is a great way to develop your musculature to its biggest potential, and make progress towards gaining better knowledge of your individual physiological capabilities. read more

Visual Impact Muscle Building Review
Visual Impact is a program well-known among the MM community due to its high accessibility and hundreds of functional exercises. This customized-for-you muscle building program not only teaches you how to perform key compound movements like squats and deadlifts, but also teaches you how to apply resistance and tension to each of your muscle groups in the right way.
Supercharge your workouts with this added physiological insight and more deeply understand how each piece of gym equipment will affect your progress! read more

What To Know About Water Retention In Bodybuilding
As someone who has taken keen interest in bodybuilding and fitness, you probably have heard of the term water retention before. You may also have a faint idea as to what it means and how that may be coming between you and your dream body. But, before jumping to conclusions, it is a good idea... read more