Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator

What is BMR?

BMR or what is called “Basal Metabolic Rate”, is the number of calories the human body burns when resting. You may ask how does the body burn calories, when it isn’t doing any activity. In fact, your question makes sense.

The body burns calories when resting to maintain necessary organs to keep you alive such as the heart, lungs, nervous system, and many more to mention.

Your Basal Metabolic Rate burns a total of 70% of your total burned calories. Add to that 20% of activity and NEAT “Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis” and the rest 10% belongs to the calories burned while digesting.

Imperial Metric
Enter your gender:
Enter your Age:
Select your height:
Enter your current weight:

Calculating Result...
Enter your gender:
Enter your Age:
Select your height:
Enter your current weight:

Calculating Result...

Harris-Benedict BMR Formula

Men: BMR = 66 + (6.2 × weight in pounds) + (12.7 × height in inches) – (6.76 × age in years)
Women: BMR = 655.1 + (4.35 × weight in pounds) + (4.7 × height in inches) – (4.7 × age in years)

Conversion factors

1 Pound = 0.4536 Kilogram
1 Inch = 2.54 Centimeters
Min Height 50cm(1 Foot 8 Inches)
Max height 228cm(7 Foot 6 Inches)

What are the BMR Variables?

Your Basal Metabolic Rate is based on a number of factors including weight, height, and age. The more you weigh, the more your BMR is.

Someone who weighs 80kg burns more calories when resting than someone who weighs 60kg. So, to increase your weight, your best bet is to increase your muscle mass. Increasing your muscle mass is directly proportional to your basal metabolic rate.

It requires more calories to maintain that level of muscle mass. Therefore, if you want to increase your BMR, your aim should be at weight-training.

I calculated my BMR, Now what?

Some people love to do everything manually, they only trust what they do by themselves. That’s why we have put our BMR calculator, to help the hard-workers who don’t take the easy way.

After calculating your BMR, you know the number of calories you burn when resting. We need to add to that the number of calories burned while training, walking, or just moving.

1-If you are a sedentary person and don’t exercise at all, multiply your BMR by 1.1-1.2

2-If you exercise lightly (1-3 days a week) multiply your BMR by 1.3-1.4

3-If you exercise moderately (3-5 days a week) multiply your BMR by 1.5-1.6

4-If you exercise hard (6-7 days a week) multiply your BMR by 1.7-1.8

5-If you exercise very hard (6-7 days a week) and have a high-demanding job multiply your BMR by 1.9-2