Have you ever had a friend who kept a diet for some time, then gained back 90-95% of the weight they lost, in less than a week? This is the so-called “Yo-Yo effect” of dieting. As we cleared out in the first article of this section (physiology of fat loss) there’s one very important thing … read more
Category: The Science

The main idea of doing a warm up, is getting your cardio-vascular, central nervous system (CNS), as well as the skeletal musculature activated, before your weightlifting workout, in order to increase its efficiency. Generally speaking, warming up refreshes the nerve paths along your central nervous system, but the most significant changes are in the vegetative ... read more

Split Principle
Before we dive into the most commonly used principle of “Split training”, we will go through some information that concerns the contradiction between some of the principles used by advanced and elite athletes. When you open up a fitness magazine and read some of the articles on methods, used by elite athletes (competitors), there is... read more

The Muscle Pump
The main idea behind the flushing principle is pointed directly at the optimal blood-filling of the working musculature. As we know, the blood is responsible for a various set of vital functions in the human body. It has a main role, when it comes to maintaining the balance of the separate physicochemical properties of the... read more

Training Cycles
The biggest goal for beginners and advanced athletes is achieving the so-desired big muscle size, combined, of course, with flawless muscle separation and aesthetics. But is it possible to achieve all of this at once, without a certain yearly training cycle? The answer is yes, if you have superior genetics and follow the given body... read more

Training During the Weight Loss Phase
So, as you should know by now, during the period of time, when we focus on building muscle (Off-season), our training is oriented towards higher intensity. This higher intensity, combined with powerful bodybuilding methods like cheating and forced repetitions is the perfect stimulus for hypertrophy and development of our musculature. However, when it’s time for... read more