The Adonis Golden Ratio is a 12 week training system designed and guaranteed to rapidly KILL your stubborn stomach fat and give you your leanest, most muscular physique genetically possible without using any form of drugs altogether. It will teach you the fastest and simplest way to gain up to 15 pounds of muscle while stripping away unwanted body-fat faster.
This system was called as ‘The Perfect Body Formula’ for men by the popular Men’s Health magazine. It targets and kills stubborn belly fat while packing on inches of muscles to your genetically weakest body parts like your under-developed arms or shoulders.
The best part about this system is that it has been proven very effective no matter what your body type is or where you are starting from. Anyone with any body type or genetics can achieve this proportion.
The methods introduced in this system has been very successful across over 150 countries all over the world. Those who have used the Adonis Golden Ratio system have benefited hugely. It has helped them build their self-confidence, strength, health and overall physical attractiveness.
Who is John Barban

The Nutrition Program is fully customized and shows exactly what you should be eating for your body type.
The brain child behind this incredible system is John Barban who is considered by many as the leading consultant in the supplements performance industry.
His other accolades include having a degree in nutrition and human biology, specialist in strength & conditioning and achieved gold standards in exercise science and personal training.
It’s a form of perfect proportion proven to deliver strength, power, admiration and magnetic attraction from females. According to Barban when he studied the male DNA structure he realizes that you actually already anatomically possess this perfect infrastructure beneath your exterior because nature intended to be so. This perfect proportion is what he calls it as the Adonis Golden Ratio.
As I was going through their sales letter, I just got to learn about the don’t s in dead-lifting and crunches. You need to ditch heavy dead-lifts, weighted abdominal crunches and magazine bodybuilding programs.
Heavy dead-lifts and weighted abdominal crunches actually expand your waistlines!
It makes your body go out of proportion and increase the chances of getting injuries. The reason why most of them fail is that they start all these promising bodybuilding programs with their bodies out of proportion.
What the Adonis Golden Ratio (AGR) has in store for you:
- In this module John teaches you how to take your current measurements to determine how close you are to the AGR. This measurement is called the Adonis Index. This will be used to determine every aspect of your 12-week AGR system. You will then use this custom system for your training, nutrition and supplementation blueprint to gain rapid and targeted muscle building and fat loss to achieve your very own perfect body.
- A weird trick to create an anabolic growth advantage for your weakest muscles to quickly bring balance, strength and proportion to your physique.
- Includes over 78 advanced instructional video lessons packed with professional tips and tricks to maximize your training results.
- Includes the AGR Nutrition Software which completely customizes your nutrition to your Adonis index. So that would mean you are eating exactly what you need and when you are needed for maximum fat loss and lean muscle growth.
- You will also discover how and when to match specific foods with specific workouts to create targeted lean muscle growth and why eating too much protein can strip away all your hard-earned muscles instead of building it.
- Supplements are not necessary or required for this program to achieve remarkable results as most of them will actually move you further away from your AGR. So you will learn how to use the right ones in the right way to accelerate your results.
- You will learn why 90% of protein supplements are a waste of your money and even a danger to your health! John only trusts and recommends two brands after his experience with this industry for over 18 years.
- He will also teach you how to save money by making your very own supplements and much more.
How much does it cost?
Your investment for this program is only $37 (price subjected to changes) which is an offer he is giving you for a limited time as it normally costs about $698 for the entire system. To add further on that, if you take action now, you will get 3 special bonuses.
Bonus 1: The Adonis Abs & Arms Assault
Bonus 2: The Adonis Unlimited Upgrades which will be free of charge
Bonus 3: 7 Days Out by Kyle Leon
Above all, he offers a 60-Day 100% money back guarantee if for any reason this system did not work for you.
To wrap it up, this is what you will get for your investment of only $37 for the entire system.
- Training Program along with the video coaching libraries
- The Nutrition Program along with the customizable nutrition software
- A Supplementation Guide
- The Adonis Abs & Arms Assault
- The Adonis Unlimited Upgrades
- The 7 Days Out workout by Kyle Leon