Tired of dealing with a naturally skinny body that does not want to build muscle? If so, you aren’t alone. Millions of ‘skinny guys’ out there feel the exact same way and are faced with a mountain of frustration when it comes to their workout program.
Now there is a program out there to help. Muscle Building Secrets is a muscle building program that is tailor made for the ectomorph. Designed by an ectomorph himself, this program teaches you how to build muscle and fight your genetics so you can finally transform your look.
What is it all about and will it really help you? Let’s go over the main details you need to know.
What The Muscle Building Secrets Program Is All About
As just noted, the Muscle Building Secrets Program is a workout program that is designed with the goal to gain muscle in mind. It combines very intense workouts with heavy weights used in a specific manner to help outsmart genetics and train your body to build the muscle that it lacks.
This program teaches you how what you’ve been doing in the gym all along was all wrong and why you have likely not seen the results that you were hoping for.
Guys who go through this program will notice a dramatic difference when they start training properly, says the author, and this program teaches you the principles to use.
Who Is Jason Ferruggia
Jason Ferruggia is a personal trainer himself and has been working in the industry for a number of years now. He’s been featured in many of the popular fitness magazines and websites including Men’s Fitness, Men’s Health, Muscle & Fitness, ESPN, as well as MMA Sports.
In addition to this, he also has a wide array of positive customer testimonials about what others have been able to achieve through using his programs. Jason is not a soft trainer however – he knows that hard work and determination is what it takes to see remarkable results, so he expects that of everyone who uses his program.
Who This Program is Best Suited For
This program has been specifically designed to help those who struggle to pack on lean muscle mass. It’s designed for the ‘skinny guy’, the ectomorph, or the man who can’t seem to maintain muscle no matter what he tries.
While you can still use it if you build muscle relatively easy, remember that the heart of the design is not for your body type. This program is going to give detailed information on how a naturally thin individual can work with their genetic chemistry to build lean muscle mass, rather than against it.
It can be used by those of all skill levels and ages, so there is no restriction there. All that is required is that you have a serious commitment and drive to see the best muscle building results possible. Hard work is going to be a firm requirement of this plan.
What You’ll Get When You Order Muscle Gaining Secret
When you get the Muscle Gaining Secrets program, you are going to get a full 145 page book that is chalk full of information on how to transform your body and build muscle.
The author covers information such as best exercise selection for gaining muscle, the training volume needed to pack on lean muscle, how many reps to use and what tempo pattern works best, along with the rest intervals between sets to optimize your gains.
There is also a small section on nutrition as well, however do note that it is relatively basic. As nutrition will be a huge component to results for the naturally skinny guy when it comes to building muscle, you may want to consider investing in Jason’s other program – the Renegade Diet, which will help to deliver more detailed information. This can be purchased as an add-on to the main Muscle Gaining Secrets plan.

“Jay, I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. My entire life has moved on to the next level and I feel like I owe it all to you. You’ve provided me with so much determination it can’t be expressed in words. I gained 21 lbs of mass and lost an equal amount of body-fat using your program!”
– Kyle Matthews (Kyle Gained 21 Pounds of Muscle)
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“When I first started following Muscle Gaining Secrets I weighed 169. Today I’m a lean 192 pounds, can squat 365, deadlift 435 and bench press 300, respectively. By following all of his advice on nutrition, training and recovery to the letter I was able to make size and strength gains that I would’ve never imagined possible.”
– Brian Eskow (Brian Gained 23 Pounds of Muscle) |
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“I’m in the best shape of my life, because of your program. My goals: be about 210 but jacked and chiseled, able to deadlift 550, squat 400, and do a body-up or one armed pull up. Currently I deadlift around 490 & squat 405. Before picture is how I have looked for the last 4 years. After picture is due to Muscle Gaining Secrets.”
– Geoff C. Morehart (Geoff Gained 14 Pounds of Muscle) |
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“Stumbling upon MGS was like the answer to everything. I have complete faith in your training philosophies and feel that the words “thank you” ain’t enough. So far I have gained 14 pounds of muscle while simultaneously losing fat! Thank you again.”– Christian Bylsma (Christian Gained 14 Pounds of Muscle) |
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“I really thought i knew everything about building muscle and gaining weight, I read every muscle magazine, and followed every stupid strength training phase that they invented. After giving myself a good slap for what an ass I had been I got into Jason Ferruggia’s Muscle Gaining Secrets. The results speak for themselves.”
– Steve Pharr (Steve Gained 10 Pounds of Muscle) |
Frequently Asked Questions
How soon can I expect to see results and how much muscle can I build using this program?
You should notice results within the first two weeks. After a month you’ll have made some noticeable changes, and by two months you’ll see a big difference. How big you get is ultimately determined by your genetics.
Is this program suited for a complete beginner?
Yes. We have an introductory program for those who aren’t ready to start on the main program just yet.
Am I going to have to spend countless hours in the gym every week?
Absolutely not. You’ll only have to train four days per week and you’ll be in and out of the gym in just 45 minutes!
What equipment do I need & can I train at home?
Barbells and dumbbells. A basic home gym will cover you as there are no machines or fancy gym equipment required. A chin up bar and a power rack would also be a huge plus. But if you don’t have these things I’ll show you a few substitutions.
What if I don’t want to get big like a bodybuilder? Can I still use your program?
Yes, you can. If you just want to achieve muscular male model type physique or the look of a pro fighter this is the best program to get you there. Getting big like a bodybuilder will take many years and a lot of steroids.
You can control how big you eventually get simply by controlling your caloric intake each week. So you determine exactly how much muscle you want to gain… a lean 10 or a massive 30+. It’s all up to you.
I want to start building muscle today. How long do I have to wait for you to ship everything to me?
You don’t! Because the entire MGS 2.0 system is fully downloadable, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to it as soon as your payment is accepted. There’s no waiting at all. You can get started in the next five minutes.
- The workouts are not going to take a very high amount of time coming in with just four workout sessions per week lasting just 45 minutes each
- Comes with a full 60 day 100% money back guarantee
- Does not require you to invest in a number of fancy and over-priced supplements
- The workouts are very well laid out and easy to understand
- Help is available 24/7 in his members area if you have questions
- You’ll learn a lot of detailed information in this book on workout intensity and programming
- The diet advice in the main manual is relatively basic and you’ll have to pay extra to get his full blown diet program
- The program is quite intense and the new beginner may find it a little overwhelming
- Some users may find the initial book to be quite a bit of reading at 145 pages
Our Verdict
All in all, if you are serious about transforming your body and putting on the muscle you’ve been dying to build for so many years, Muscle Gaining Secrets may just be the program for you.
This program is custom built for the naturally skinny guy, so anyone from that audience who uses it should see excellent results.
This program is very detailed but yet simple and straightforward at the same time, making it ideal for beginners as well as more advanced trainees.
With the exception of the lack of nutrition information provided in the main book (which can be made up for with another program of his), it’s a well-rounded program that should yield you excellent results.