PhenGold Review - Is it really a fat-burning machine?
PhenGold is a fairly new fat burner on the market, and at the first glance, it might be hard to tell if this is the right supplement for you.
When burning fat is your primary goal, you’re often bombed with different information, promotions and various “magic tricks”. At the end of the day, you’re left in despair, without having an idea which step to take first.
We’re going to skip most of it and jump straight into the analysis.
On this page we’ll introduce you to PhenGold, check its ingredients, and in the end, see if those benefits are really worth paying for.
So, let’s start.
What is PhenGold and how does it work?
PhenGold is a fat-burning supplement that uses a carefully combined natural ingredient formula (detailed explanation under) to help you achieve your weight loss goals. It is made out of plants, botanicals and extracts that push the body into the fat loss regime.
It’s not the standard fat burner, as the formula covers more than boosting metabolism.
Also, this is a great choice for vegans, lactose intolerant and those allergic to soy. Plus, in PhenGold there’s nothing artificial such as fillers, dyes, hidden and complex chemical ingredients.
When it comes to functionality, PhenGold targets two main fat loss issues:
PhenGold boosts the essential metabolic processes, and as the result, your body is naturally burning more calories, even on your days off. Since metabolism is the key factor when it comes to losing (and gaining) weight, this should be the priority and the foundation of every weight loss journey.
There are certain foods, herbs and natural extracts that boost metabolism, yet they are often difficult to find, not very tasty, and so on. So if you wanted to see the effects, you’d need to struggle a lot.
On the other hand, supplements are a fair alternative where you can intake exactly what you need, without too much hassle.
Some of those ingredients found in PhenGold are Green Tea, L-theanine, Green Coffee and Cayenne Pepper.
PhenGold suppresses the hunger, so you’ll be able to eat less food and still feel like you’ve had enough. Also, there’s an even bigger problem that lies in “hidden” snacks. In other words, the snacks that you often take because you’re “a bit hungry”. Those are mostly fast food, fatty finger snacks and food with no real nutritional value.
One part of PhenGold’s formula aims directly at those food cravings. By taking it regularly, your body will naturally send fewer and fewer signals for those cheat snacks. And by the time you’re finished with the pack of PhenGold, you should lose the habit of having unplanned, cheat meals.
PhenGold ingredients and benefits
The ingredient list of PhenGold is not like the average supplement ingredient list. Compared to the other ones, you’ll be able to understand this one easily.
Yet what you maybe didn’t know are the real effects of those foods and extracts.
Also, each item on the list is labeled with the exact amounts so there shouldn’t be any double meaning.
We often see the products without exact measures that serve marketing purposes only. With PhenGold everything’s bold and transparent, which you’ll see in the following.
Green Tea – 500mg
Green tea is an ingredient you’re well aware of. Yet we tend to forget it as this is the “basic” staple ingredient without the proper appreciation.
There’s a huge number of clinical researches and trials that show the weight loss benefits of green tea extracts. It’s known to boost thermogenesis, which is the process that burns excessive body fat while increasing core body temperature. This is a process similar to the one that’s happening during the workout sessions.
Green tea is also packed with catechins (antioxidant) and naturally produced caffeine.
L-theanine – 250mg
L-theanine follows the green tea, as this is the amino acid often found in green and black tea, as well as some types of mushrooms. Its main benefits help with anxiety, stress and insomnia. For that reason, many often put metabolic boosting properties in the background, which is unfair for such a powerful substance.
Several studies exclusively show the connection between lower fat gains and theanine.
Green Coffee – 100mg
Another familiar ingredient in PhenGold is a Green coffee extract. Coffee is known to contain Chlorogenic acid which helps with fat loss in a unique way. It prevents the absorption of excessive fats and sugars while you’re eating it.
This, of course, doesn’t mean that you can now eat everything in excessive amounts. It will help, but you need to do your part as well.
Cayenne Pepper – 200mg
Some of you like it, some can’t stand it. Whichever the way, with cayenne pepper extract from PhenGold you won’t feel any heat. Instead, you’ll only get the known thermogenic properties and boosted metabolism.
Together with coffee and green tea, this is among the most studied ingredients used for burning fat. The results showed that cayenne pepper might increase the amounts of fat you’re burning while on a training/diet regime.
Rhodiola sp. (Golden root, Rose root, Rhodiola Rosea) – 250mg
The powerful golden root is a flowering plant that recently peaked due to its numerous health benefits. The one we’re looking for is improved exercise performance.
According to the studies, athletes that were given Rhodiola were able to last longer during cycling. This applies to any activity, as it will give you more energy and endurance.
L-tyrosine – 300mg
L-tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid used for improving mental focus and adrenaline levels. While working out, this one will help you stay focused while increasing your energy.
Also, as you’re getting more mentally alert, you’ll be able to improve general posture and exercise forms.
Extra benefits of PhenGold
At the moment of writing this review, we’ve stumbled upon multiple promotions for buying PhenGold.
In addition to discounted prices, we’ve found amazing offers for bulk buying.
Their most popular option is 2-month supply (2 packs) + 1 month free.
The discount goes even higher for 3-month supply (3 packs) + 2 month free.
Also, fast shipping is free, worldwide.
Plus, if for some reason you’re not satisfied with the product, there’s industry-leading 100-day money back guarantee.
Our verdict
PhenGold is an outstanding fat-burning product that did the obvious – combine the best of what nature has to offer into an effective formula of powerful extracts.
The well-known combination of green tea, coffee, cayenne pepper, and a few more amino acids, extracts and vitamins will lead you to a faster metabolism, improved thermogenesis and sharper focus.
Also, the part of the formula will suppress your hunger, so you’ll have less and less of those nasty food cravings. You’ll be able to stick to your diet regime more easily, without the feel of being punished with healthy foods.
According to the testimonials and previous buyers’ experiences, PhenGold is equally good for people with higher weight-loss goals in mind, and those aiming to burn just a few more pounds.
So, as far as our concern goes, we’d definitely recommend PhenGold to struggling athletes and people of all ages who are willing to lose that stubborn fat tissue.
PhenGold - Real Lasting Weight Loss Starts Here!
Max strength, multi-action formula made with clinically proven ingredients helps you burn fat and keep the weight off for good!