This is simply because they are compound movements, that primarily target the lower body, but due to the fact they engage the whole musculature, they are known to help the overall physical development.
Category: Targeted Workouts

massive chest workout
Chest day isn’t really rocket science. If you ask anyone at the gym for a chest day advice, the most common answer would be: Incline bench press for the upper portion of the chest and parallel bar dips for the lower portion of the chest….

Mean Back Workout
Many trainees miss some back-training sessions because they “can’t see their back”, and according to them therefore, there’s no point in training the muscle groups which you have no view of.

Tree Trunk Legs Workouts
So, what is the one muscle group that is the true indicator of a wonderful physique?
Some people will say the biceps, others will tell you that it’s the trapezius that is the real indicator of strength.